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>平成17年度 >

The Stability of Market Leadership Positions in Japanese Manufacturing Industries

The Stability of Market Leadership Positions in Japanese Manufacturing Industries

タイトル,著者,概要 本文
"The Stability of Market Leadership Positions in Japanese Manufacturing Industries" (2005年4月)
 加藤 雅俊(一橋大学大学院商学研究科博士後期課程,競争政策研究センタースチューデント・フェロー)
 本庄 裕司(中央大学商学部助教授)
 Using a newly constructed panel data set, we investigate the stability of market leadership positions as a measure of market mobility. This paper not only shows the extent of stability of leadership positions across industries over time, but also empirically examines the impacts of industry-specific characteristics and macro-economic conditions on the stability of leadership positions. It is found that leadership positions are more stable in highly concentrated industries. In addition, this paper provides evidence that leadership positions are sensitive to macro-economic conditions, and that high economic growth tend to induce the turnover of market leaders.
JEL classification codes: L13, L60
Keywords: Binary choice model, Concentration, Market leadership position, Panel data.
