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>平成23年度 >

Competition Policy in Japan: An Economic and Legal Introduction with Illustrative Cases

Competition Policy in Japan: An Economic and Legal Introduction with Illustrative Cases

タイトル,著者,概要 本文
"Competition Policy in Japan: An Economic and Legal Introduction with Illustrative Cases"(2011年9月)
 小田切 宏之(成城大学社会イノベーション学部教授・競争政策研究センター所長)
 This paper purports, first, to give a simple economic theory to show why competition policy is important; second, to give an introductory account of competition policy in Japan, both from legal and economic perspectives, and illustrating them with several actual cases; and,third, to show the difficult balance between competition policy, that prohibits monopoly, and intellectual property, that give monopoly rights to inventors to stimulate innovation. Its aim is not to present original research: rather, it aims to give a general introduction to the Japanese competition policy and its law, Anti-Monopoly Act, without going into the legal detail but with an economist.s perspective.
Keywords: competition policy, competition law, monopoly, intellectual property, Japan
JEL Classification Codes: D4, K21, L4, O34
