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JFTC starts new technical assistance project under Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund

JFTC starts new technical assistance project under Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund

September 30, 2016
Japan Fair Trade Commission

On 30th of September, 2016, the Japan Fair Trade Commission (hereinafter, “JFTC”) and the ASEAN Expert Group on Competition start new technical assistance project, of which proponent is Commission for the Supervisory of Business Competition (Indonesia), under Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF*) for ASEAN Competition Authorities to strengthen competition law enforcement (Period: September 2016 – August 2018). The outline of this project is given in 1. & 2. below.
In addition, this project will be carried out in cooperation with United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (hereinafter, “UNCTAD”), as the JFTC has dispatched a staff to Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, Division on International Trade in Goods and Services, and Commodities of UNCTAD since this July.

*JAIF: The fund, based on donation from Japanese government, established in ASEAN Secretariat for supporting ASEAN in 2006.

1. Background

The JFTC, in cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and other agencies, has provided various technical assistance for developing countries including ASEAN member states (hereinafter, “AMS”). Because AMS have legislated the competition law in almost all of the member states, the JFTC is now more expected to share its expertise knowledge and experience with AMS to strengthen the capacity of their competition authorities and their enforcement of the competition laws. AMS’ needs are diversified since some AMS have started enforcing their competition law and worked for strengthening their enforcements, and the other AMS have no enforcement experience and insufficient awareness of competition law.

2. Expected activities

Holding workshops in Japan or AMS, and staff exchanging and holding the training courses amongst AMS competition authorities will be expected. In implementing these activities, the contents will be decided in accordance with their experience of enforcement on competition law in order to respond attentively to their respective needs for technical assistance.

*Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese.
