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BBL(Brown Bag Lunch Meeting)

BBL(Brown Bag Lunch Meeting)

 We hold the BBL in lunch time to exchange opinions on the issues, mainly the JFTC staff has, with visiting researchers in a lighthearted way.

Fiscal 2023

March 22, 2024 「Guide for the Design and Implementation of an Effective Antimonopoly Act Compliance Program: Focusing on Responses to Cartels and Bid-rigging」 KAWASHIMA, Hiroki
(Deputy Director, General Affairs Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, JFTC)
(Assistant Director, General Affairs Division, Economic Affairs Bureau, JFTC)
March 1, 2024 「Utilization of Economic Analysis by the JFTC」 KURIYA, Yasumasa
(Director, Economic Analysis Office, General Affairs Division, Secretariat, JFTC)
February 16, 2024 「Meta's Approach to Building AI Responsibly」 Hee-Eun Kim
(Director of Competition Policy, Asia Pacific, Meta Platforms, Inc.))
December 15, 2023 「Generative AI at AWS」 TAKIZAWA Yoichi
(Director, WWPS Japan Tech Team Lead, Amazon Web Services Japan G.K.)
October 13, 2023 「The current situation and problem for the sustainable distribution~The need of the cooperation system of a departure and arrival shipper and the transport company~」 OSHIMA Hiroaki
(Managing Director, NX Logistics Research Institute and Consulting, Inc.)
September 22, 2023 「AI Application to Law: Current Situation and Proposal of Juris-Informatics」 SATOH Ken
(Professor, National Institute of Informatics)
September 15, 2023 「Why do people seek reuse?」 TAKAHASHI Kanako
(Manager, Public Relations Division, GEO HOLDINGS CORPORATION)
June 23, 2023 「Significance of Studies of Subcontract System in Japan」 FUJIKAWA Takeshi
(Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, University of Hyogo)
April 28, 2023 「Wellness Industry Trends in Increasing Demand in After Corona. Wellness as a Next Generation Lifestyle.」 ARAKAWA Masashi
(Professor, Wellness research field, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, University of the Ryukyus)
April 7, 2023 「The current situation and future prospects of the drone business in Japan at 2023」 SUNOHARA Hisanori
(CEO, Drone Japan Co., Ltd.)

Fiscal 2022

March 17, 2023 「Experience while staying in China」 FUJITANI Yoshihide
(Senior Planning Officer, International Affairs Division, JFTC)
December 16, 2022 「Metaverse Business frontline - What will drive the next business」 SHIN Kiyoshi
(HIKKY PR team Reader)
December 9, 2022 「Fact-finding on Japanese Companies' Price Pass-Through」 ABE Shigenobu
(Information Editing Section Manager, Information Management Department , Teikoku Databank, Ltd.)
(Information Management Section Leader, Information Management Department , Teikoku Databank, Ltd.)
ISHII Yanisa
(Information Management Section Leader, Information Management Department , Teikoku Databank, Ltd.)
October 21, 2022 to be uploaded NAKAFUJI Rei
(Staff Writer, Business News Unite, Editorial Division, Nikkei inc.)
July 15, 2022 「Competitive Environment of the Game Industry」 SEKI Hajime
(Chief Legal Officer, Square Enix Holdings Co.,Ltd.)
June 3, 2022 「Business structure and creators' thinking around the animation industry」 ITOSO Kenji
(Dean, Faculty of Art, Osaka Seikei University and President, KENJI STUDIO.Co.,Ltd)
May 27, 2022 「Research and case studies on ex-post evaluation of enforcement by foreign competition authorities」 ISHIGAKI Hiroaki
(Managing Director,NERA Economic Consulting)
YANO Tomohiko
(Associate Director,NERA Economic Consulting)
TAKEDA Eishiro
(Senior Consultant,NERA Economic Consulting)
May 27, 2022 「KDDI's Approach to Realizing City-linked Metaverse」 KAWAMOTO Haruku
(KDDI Corp Business Development Department Metaverse Business Teams Leader)

Fiscal 2021

January 7, 2022 Reasons for Two Variants of the Operation of Lower Limits in Competitive Bidding: Focusing on Public Construction Procurement in Japan WATANABE Yukino
(Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University)
December 17, 2021 「Discussion about interchange fees」 TSUJI Yuichiro
(General Affairs Division, JFTC)
(Mergers and Acquisitions Division, JFTC)
July 30, 2021 「Human-Centered Policy Design」 TSUDA Hirokazu
(The head of PolicyGarage)
(Behavioral science team,PolicyGarage)
July 16, 2021 「About the enbironment on QR code payment」 KAWATA Hiroki
(CEO Office Senior Manager,PayPay Corporation)
May 28, 2021 Data-driven mergers and personalization(co-authored with Zhijun Chen, Chongwoo Choe, and Jiajia Cong) MATSUSHIMA Noriaki
(Professor, Institute of Social and Economic Research, Osaka University and Director, CPRC)

Fiscal 2020

January 15, 2021 Slack, a messaging platform for organizational collaboration WAKAYAMA Sohei
(Enterprise Sales Division2, Account Executive, Slack Japan K.K.)
November 20, 2020 Distribution and Platform for Healthcare Data: A Proposal for Authorized Public Purpose Access (APPA) FUJITA Takanori
(Project Lead, Healthcare Data Policy Project, Centre for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution Japan, The World Economic Forum)
November 13, 2020 The emergence of platforms in the customer contact part of the industrial
value chain and the recent trend of major players' withdrawal from the
IMAEDA Masahiro
(Managing Partner, Eminence LLC/Professor and Dean, Graduate School of Business Breakthrough University)
October 30, 2020 Support for data utilization toward promotion of digitalization and EBPM JORAKU Satoru
(Director, CISO, Head of DSOC/Sansan,Inc.)
October 23, 2020 Current status and future points of new coronavirus-related bankruptcies ABE Shigenobu
(Manager, Information Editing Section, Information Department, Tokyo Branch, Teikoku Databank, Ltd.)
September 18, 2020 Freelancing to Support the Content Industry SUGIHARA Yoshitaka
(Director (Public Policy), Netflix Inc.)
September 4, 2020 Practices of European competition authorities in dealing with the novel coronavirus Rheuben Joel
(Lawyer, Herbert Smith Freehills Foreign Law Office)
July 10, 2020 Practices and Challenges of Economic Analysis Team in Merger Review OMIYA Shungo
(Mergers and Acquisitions Division,JFTC)
July 3, 2020 Freelancers' business practices and challenges HIRATA Mari
(President, Freelance Association Japan)

Fiscal 2011

December 16, 2011 Development of Resale Price Maintenance Regulation after Leegin Yoshiteru UEMURA
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hannan University)
December 2, 2011 Nontransferable Water Rights and Technical Inefficiency in the Japanese Water Supply Industry Eiji SATOH
(Graduate Student, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
November 18, 2011 The Rule against Exploitative Conducts in France -Comparison between France and Japan- Michael Tiralongo
(Postgraduate International Research Student, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, University of Tokyo)
October 28, 2011 The Diffusion of Generic Drugs and Recent Trends in the Pharmaceutical Products Market Harumi TAGOKU
(Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)
October 21, 2011 Recent Trends in the Airline Industry - Liberalization and the Rise of LCC Kazuki SUGIURA
(Airline Analyst and Affiliate Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University)
October 14, 2011 Fact-finding Report on the Action by the Ordering Agency for the Prevention of Collusive Bidding at the Initiative of Government Agencies -Compliance Activities by the Ordering Agency- Ryojiro SEKIBA
October 7, 2011 The Trend in the IT market and its Notable Themes, and A Portent of Increased Competition Kotaro KUWADU
(Nomura Research Institute)
September 16, 2011 Changes in the Distribution System and Manufacturers' Trading Systems Yoshio TAKAHASHI
(The Distribution Economics Institute of Japan)
September 9, 2011 Changes in Employment and Treatment via Corporate Mergers and Resolution of Career Uneasiness Katsuhito UEHARA
(Assistant Professor, School of International Politics, Economics and Communication, Aoyama Gakuin University)
September 2, 2011 Policy Evaluation of 3G Auctions Toshifumi KURODA
(Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Tokyo Keizai University)
July 15, 2011 Antitrust Compliance Policy in Construction Consulting Industry: A Case of Pacific Consultants Co., LTD. Kazushi MURAKAMI
(Board Director and Director of Compliance Office)
June 17, 2011 Cartels in the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry - Policy Analysis of Transtition Periods from Growing to Declining Junko WATANABE
(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University)
June 10, 2011 LIBOR in the Financial Market and Its Modeling Hideki MATSUMURA
(Mizuho Information & Research Institute)
May 13, 2011 An Anti-Monopoly Compliance Program of TAISEI Corporation Hiroki NANBA
(TAISEI Corporation)
April 4, 2011 What is an M&A? - Internationalization and Japanese Firms Seki OBATA
(Associate Professor of Finance, Keio University)

Fiscal 2010

March 25, 2011 The Antitrust Law of China and Unfair Trade Practices - Legislative History and its Present Danzhou CHEN
(Graduate Student of Law, Waseda University)
February 25, 2011 Competition from Japanese Viewpoint - Statistical Analysis with SSM Data Naoki SUDO
(Professor of Law, Gakushuin University)
February 18, 2011 Merger Simulation in an Open Economy Jae NAHM
(Associate Professor of Economics, Sogang University)
February 4, 2011 Ideological Relation between Competition and Contract Yuki ASANO
(Professor of Law, Gakushuin University)
January 28, 2011 Quantitative Evidence of the Japanese Education Consciousness: Is Reproduction of the University Graduate Fair? Toru KIKKAWA
(Associate Professor of Human Sciences, Osaka University)
January 14, 2011 Green Growth and Competition (Roundtable on Pro-active Policies for Green Growth and the Market Economy, October 2010) Tetsuya FUJIMOTO
January 7, 2011 Relationship between Competition -oriented Thought and Socioeconomic Position Kenji IIJIMA
(Assistant Professor, Musashigaoka College)
November 12, 2010 Empirical Analysis on Competition among Hospital: MRI case Shunichiro BESSHO
(Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University)
October 29, 2010 Merger and Industry Reorganization in Korea Makoto ABE
(Director, Technological Innovation and Economic Growth Studies Group, Inter-disciplinary Studies Center, Institute of Developing Economies)
October 15, 2010 The Result of the Follow-Up Survey on the Actual Conditions in the Advertising Industry Trade Junichi AIDA
October 8, 2010 Auction Design for Search Sites: Theory and Practice Yosuke YASUDA
(Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
October 1, 2010 The Entry Model: An Application to JAL-JAS Merger Analysis Masato NISHIWAKI
(Assistant Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
September 24, 2010 Destruction of Competition by Competition Law: Evidence from Fiber-Optic Unbundling Regulation in Japan Naoaki MINAMIHASHI
(Ph.D. Student, Department of Economics, Boston University)
September 10, 2010 Treatment of Efficiency in Merger Control: The Current Status in USA, Europe and Japan Hiroaki ISHIGAKI
(Senior Consultant, NERA Economic Consulting)
September 3, 2010 Recent Developments in Intellectual Property Practices Takao ABE
(Group Manager, Patent Group-Mass and Medium-Lot Manufactured Products, Intellectual Property Department, Technical Headquarters, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
August 20, 2010 The Status of Antitrust Compliance Efforts in Japanese Enterprises Ryojiro SEKIBA
August 6, 2010 The M&A Trend of Japanese Companies and the Business of RECOF Corporation Toshifumi IWAGUCHI
(Chairman, RECOF DATA)
July 30, 2010 Empirical Analysis of Deregulation and OTC Sales Koichiro SAWANO
(Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya City University)
July 23, 2010 Estimating the Degree of Competition in Japanese Banking Industry via the Boone-Indicator Hiroshi GUNJI
(Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Daito Bunka University)
Kazuki MIURA
(Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Economics, Hosei University)
July 16, 2010 Price Rigidity and Market Structure Takayasu MATSUOKA
(PD Fellow, Japan Society for The Promotion of Science )
July 9, 2010 R&D Expenditures in Japanese Manufacturing Industry: Testing the Schumpeterian Hypothesis with Panel Data Ayako MITSUI
(Ph.D. Student, Graduate School of Commerce, Waseda University)

Fiscal 2009

March 19, 2010 Regulation and Competition in Transportation Sectors Kenzo TAKEUCHI
(Professor, School of Arts and Sciences, Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
March 12, 2010 The Measurement Method of the Effect of the Corporate Activity Takuji SAITO
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kyoto Sangyo University)
February 5, 2010 Consideration about the Copyright Law of Re-Editing Katsutoshi ISHIOKA
(Associate Professor, Keio Economic Observatory)
January 29, 2010 Outline of Patent Infringement Case Shimako KATO
(Patent Attorney, ABE,IKUBO&KATAYAMA)
January 15, 2010 Problems of Generic Drug in the View of Competition Policy Toshiko IGARASHI
(International Affairs Division)
January 8, 2010 The Consequences of an Outside Option for Rules of Origin: A Strategic Approach Kazuhiro TAKAUCHI
(Ph.D. student, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University)
December 4, 2009 The trend of Patent Troll and the countermeasure Mitsuyoshi HIRATSUKA
(Associate Professor, Tokyo University of Science)
November 20, 2009 Current Situations and Problems about International Standardization Activity Manabu ETO
(Professor, Hitotsubashi University)
November 13, 2009 The Introduction of General Copyrights Regulations Concerning Restrictions of Rigths Makoto KAWASE
(Agency for Cultural Affairs)
November 6, 2009 Present Conditions and Problem of the Central Control System of the Copyrights Makoto KAWASE
(Agency for Cultural Affairs)
October 23, 2009 Current Situations and Problems about the Digital Content Makoto KAWASE
(Agency for Cultural Affairs)
September 25, 2009 Consideration of Innovation in Merger Cases Katsutoshi KATAOKA
September 18, 2009 Patent Pool in view of Competition Policy
-Some Viewpoints for the next generation-
Hisashi KATO
September 11, 2009 Policy Evaluation in Japan Fair Trade Commission Koji MUKAI
September 4, 2009 Findings on the process of enforcement in administration Yoshinobu KITAMURA
(Professor, Faculty of Law, Sophia University)
July 31, 2009 Technology Adoption and Fuzzy Patent Rights Jing-Yuan Chiou
(Assistant Professor, IMT Lucca)
June 26, 2009 A Survey on the Development of compliance systems in companies Anna ISHIZUKA
June 19, 2009 Two Types Globalization and Corporate Governance Reforms -Analysis on the Amendments of the Commercial Law from 1993 to 2002- Masako SUGINOHARA
(Project Assistant Professor, Komaba Organization for Educational Development, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo)
May 22, 2009 Fact-Finding Survey of the Animation Industry Kanamori TAKAKO and Okamoto TATSUYUKI

Fiscal 2008

March 27, 2009 The Regulation of the Non-hard Core Cartel in the EC competition Law Kuninobu TAKEDA
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Osaka University)
February 20, 2009 Intellectuall Property in the US -Today's Patent System Reform- Tomoki SAWAI
(Patent Office)
February 13, 2009 An Empirical Investigation of the Paramount Antitrust Case Ricard Gil
(Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz)
February 6, 2009 A Note on the Necessity of Rules for Misleading Representation: Experimental Evidence Koki ARAI
(JFTC, Head of CPRC Secretariat)
November 7, 2008 Changes in Circumstances Surrounding of Travel Industry and JTB's Split-up Hirokazu KOBAYASHI
(JTB Global Marketing & Travel Inc.)
October 31, 2008 Environment Surrounding of the General Trading Firm and its Function Fumio OGINO
(Mitsubishi Corporation)
October 24, 2008 The Present Conditions and a "Challenge" for the Future of JR East-21 Years since National Railway's Reform and the Future Direction of Management- Toshiro Ichinose
(East Japan Railway Company)
October 17, 2008 Issues of the Electronic Money Market from the viewpoint at Competition Policy Hitoshi OKADA
(Associate Professor, National Institute of Informatics)
September 12, 2008 Basics of Patent Description Kouta HAGIWARA
August 29, 2008 About an Exclusion Type of Private Monopolization - Conditional Rebate as a Subject- Tetsuya KANDA
July 25, 2008 Fact-finding Survey of the Field of City Gas Business Hiroaki NOSE
April 25, 2008 Analysis of the Japanese Taxicab Market Hideki TAKAYAMA

Fiscal 2007

February 29, 2008 Coordination and Competition Policy of Unbundling in Public Utilities Takashi YANAGAWA
(Professor,Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University)
December 21, 2007 A Never-ending story:Liberalization of Energy Markets in Germany-German Energy Law- Sebastian Becker
(The Free University of Berlin)
November 9, 2007 About "Prospective Amendments to AMA" Eichiro OMATA
September 14, 2007 Report on the Ex-post Study of Merger Review Toshiko IGARASHI
June 22, 2007 About Examination Business of Violation of American Antitrust Law Jun IJICHI
June 15, 2007 Vertical Integration in the Japanese Movie Industry Mitsuru SUNADA
(Researcher, CPRC)
June 1, 2007 The actual situation of the international aviation service market and a problem in the competition policy Tanabe TAKAKI
April 13, 2007 For the bid system that secured competitiveness : concerned bid system reform and the successful bid rates concerned Hideyuki SHIMOZU
Takeshi YOKOTA

Fiscal 2006

March 30, 2007 FY2007 Joint Research Candidate
(1)Study about the Analysis after a Thing of the Merger
(2)Analysis of the Effect of the Anti-competition of the Vertical Integration Vertical business engagements, and Vertical limit
(1)Hiroshi OHASHI
(Visiting Researcher, CPRC)
(2)Yasunari TAMADA (Visiting Researcher, CPRC)
March 16, 2007 FY2007 Joint Research Candidate
Local Competition in Retail Service Market
Mitsuru SUNADA
(Researcher, CPRC)
Febrary 23, 2007 Issues concerning for Foreknowledge Possibility Transparency Swiftness of the Combine Examination Corresponding to the Globalization of the Economy-related Improvement Yuji KIMURA
(Researcher, CPRC)
December 1, 2006 Issues concerning the Agenda of the Competition Law in China Tai RYU
(Graduate School of an
International Development Study, NAGOYA university)
November 14, 2006 Production IG: Challenging the Status Quo Andrei Hagiu
(Assistant Professor,
Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration)
September 29, 2006 Comparative Analysis of Regulations on
Unilateral Conducts.
Masayuki ATSUMI
September 1, 2006 Extraterritorial Application of Antitrust Acts
in the U.S.
July 21, 2006 Trade Practice between Financial Institutions and Companies Yasutaka YOSHIKAWA
June 16, 2006 Issues concerning Electricity Market and
Competition Policy
June 9, 2006 Issues concerning Ocean-going Transport and Competiton Policy Hiroe OTSUBO
May 19, 2006 Analysis of Market Power in a Product-differenciated Market: Empirical Study using Date of Passenger Car
May 12, 2006 Issues concerning the Competition in the
Postal Service Business - Correspondence to the Anti-competitive Practice misusing Monopoly Domain -
Hikono SAITO
April 21, 2005 Revision of Subcontact Act in 2003 Masaharu MINAMI

Fiscal 2005

Mar. 31, 2006 FY2006 Joint Research Candidate
Utilization of Experience and Economic Theory in Investigation and Hearing Procedures
February 17, 2006 Case Study focusing on Leniency Programs: "Lysine Cartel Case" Masayuki ISHIMOTO (JFTC)
January 13, 2006 Charging Regulations in Regulated Industries: Kazunari KAINO (RIETI)
December 16, 2005 Business Structures in the Contents Industry Yuji MORI (Think Corporation)
December 9, 2005 Competition Situations and Challenges in
Electric Power Industry
November 18, 2005 Issues in Privatization of Postal
November 11, 2005 Entry Barriers, Price cutting -Discussions at the Roundtable of theOECD COMP Kaoru HARADA (JFTC)
October 14, 2005 Regulation based on Competition Law on
Commissioning Contract of Producing TV
Kenichiro TAMURA (Student Fellow, CPRC)
October 7, 2005 Abuse of Dominant Bargaining Position in
the TV Industry
Ryuji SAWADA (Director, Japan Visual Industry Guild)
September 30, 2005 Reconstruction of Regulation regarding Unfair Trade Practices Toshiyuki YOKOTA (JFTC)
September 16, 2005 The Role of Competition Laws in the Consumer Policy Hiroyuki IIJIMA (Cabinet Office)
September 14, 2005 Electric Power Guidelines Tatsuro SUWA (JFTC)
September 9, 2005 For the Breakthrough of Contents Business Takahide MORITA(Attorney, B.D.J Law and Accounting Office)
September 2, 2005 Compliance Activities in Mitsukoshi Corporation Ryuichi MORONUKI (Mitsukoshi Corporation)
August 31, 2005 Abuse of Superior Positions by Supermarkets Junji OKANO (Student Fellow, CPRC)
August 26, 2005 Compliance Activities in Nissan Motor Co.
Haruo TSURUOKA (Nissan Motors)
August 5, 2005 Compliance Activities in NEC Corporation Suguru HAGIWARA (NEC Corporation)
July 22, 2005 Analysis Framework of CPRC Joint Research "Demand Analysis of Broadband Access Market" Mitsuru SUNADA (Researcher, CPRC)
July 8, 2005 Regulations on Unjut Low Price Sales Daisuke YAMAMOTO (JFTC)
July 7, 2005 Quantitative Analysis using SFI Index Makoto FUNAKOSHI (Researcher, CPRC)
June 17, 2005 Comparison of Domestic or Alliance Code
Sharing between Japan, Europe and USA
Naveen Rao
April 8, 2005 Competition in Financial Industry Kotaro TSURU(RIETI)
April 6, 2005 Abuse of Dominant Bargaining Position Toshio ARAI (JFTC)

Fiscal 2004

Feb. 18th 2005 "Basic Research on Technological innovation and Incentive -- a Research Project Plan--"
"Jurisprudential and Economical Analysis of
Influence of Loose Combination Form between Companies on Market Competition -- A research project plan--"
Tatsuo TANAKA (Visiting Researcher, CPRC; Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University)
Shuya HAYASHI (Visiting Researcher, CPRC; Assistant Full-time Instructor, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies)
Feb. 15th 2005 "Meaning of Unfair Trade Practice and
Consideration on Unjut Low Price Sales and Discriminatory Pricing"
Jan. 28th 2005 "Economic Analysis on Leniency Program" Toshiko SUZUKI (Researcher, CPRC)
Jan. 18th 2005 "Review on Rationality of Precedents regarding Unjut Low Price Sales and Price
Discrimination from Economic Perspective"
Yasumi OCHI (Visiting Researcher, CPRC; Attorney, Nishimura & Partners)
Dec. 24th 2004 "Economic Analysis of Bid Rigging" Yuji KIMURA (Visiting Researcher, CPRC; Fellow, RIETI)
Nov. 12th 2004 "Is vertical merger good or bad ? " (Integration) Hiroaki ISHIGAKI & Toshiko IGARASHI (Researcher, CPRC)
October 28th 2004 "Should we invoke competition policy in the contents industry?" Tatsuo TANAKA (Visiting Researcher, CPRC; Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Keio University)
