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Data Concentration on Digital Markets and Competition Policy

Data Concentration on Digital Markets and Competition Policy

18th Competition Policy Research Center International Symposium

December 12, 2019
Competition Policy Research Center

1 Registration

E-mail to cprcsec_atmark_jftc.go.jp by 6 December, 2019 (Please replace “_atmark_” into “@”, when you send to this e-mail address.).
“Registration for the 18th CPRC symposium” as a subject of an e-mail.
Please provide your name, affiliation (company name, university name, etc.), your position/title (manager, professor, etc.), and your e-mail address which you will check during your stay in Japan.

Contact Details: Secretariat of CPRC/JFTC
(Tel: +81-3-3581-5480, Fax: +81-3-3581-1945, E-mail:cprcsec_atmark_jftc.go.jp
(Please replace “_at_” with “@”, when you send to this e-mail address.)

2 Objective

Digitalized data are increasingly accumulated over Big IT platforms. Digital platform operators leverage the data to improve their own services. At the same time, this data concentration raises new challenges to competition authorities around the world from the perspectives of developing a fair and free competitive environment. The 18th CPRC symposium explores the broad issues on data concentration and competition policy and pursue possible measures to enhance competition across digital platforms.

3 Date and Venue

Date 13:30 - 16:35, December 12, 2019 (Thurs), (Time of opening: 13:00)
Venue Hitotsubashi Hall (National Center of Sciences Building 2F 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan)
Tokyo Metoro Hanzomon Line/Toei Mita Line/Toei Shinjuku Line “Jinbocho”
Tokyo Metoro Tozai Line “Takebashi”
Language English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Admission Charge Free of Charge
Organizers Competition Policy Research Center (CPRC), Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC)

18th International Symposium Agenda (PDF:223KB)

4 Agenda

13:30-13:35 Opening Remarks

13:30-13:35 Kazuyuki Sugimoto (Chairman, JFTC)

13:35-15:20 Part I: Keynote Speeches

13:35-14:10 Jacques Crémer (Toulouse School of Economics, former Special Adviser to European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager)
14:10-14:45 Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College London, former Chief Competition Economist of the European Commission)
14:45-15:20 Leslie Marx (Duke University, former Chief Economist of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission)

15:20-15:35 Break
15:35-16:30 Part II: Panel Discussion

Keynote Speech
15:35-15:50 Masanori Fukamachi (M&A Division, JFTC)
Panel Discussion
15:50-16:30 Moderator: Hiroshi Ohashi (University of Tokyo, Chief Researcher of CPRC)
Panelists: Reiko Aoki (Commissioner, JFTC)
Jacques Crémer (Toulouse School of Economics, former Special Adviser to European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager)
Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College London, former Chief Competition Economist of the European Commission)
Leslie Marx (Duke University, former Chief Economist of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission)

16:30-16:35 Closing Remarks

16:30-16:35 Yosuke Okada (Hitotsubashi University, Director of CPRC)

