Reprint Papers

 CPRC Reprint Paper Series are permitted reissues of research papers or articles which were written by CPRC researchers for other journals or magazines.

Title, Author Original Ppublication File
"A claim and proof of mergers and acquisition lawsuits in U.S."(Japanese only)
Shuya HAYASHI(Chief Researcher, CPRC/ Assistant Professer, Guraduate School of Law, University of Nagoya.)
外国学研究,Vol.63, 2006, pp93-142
"An interview with Paul Samuelson: welfare economics, "old" and " new",
and social choice theory"(Dec. 2005)
Kotaro SUZUMURA(Director, CPRC / Professor, Economic Research Institute, Hitotsubashi University)
Social Choice and Welfare, Vol.25, pp.327-356, 2005. CPRP
"Competition, Welfare, and Competition Policy" (Dec 2005)
Kotaro SUZUMURA(Director, CPRC / Professor, Economic Research Institute, Hitotsubashi University)
Schmidt, Ulrich, and Stefan Traub, eds. Advances in Public Economics: Utility, Choice and Welfare. Netherlands: Springer, 2005, pp1-15 CPRP
