Organization chart

organization_JFTC 202404

The Japan Fair Trade Commission

General Secretariat

General Affairs Division, Accounting Office and Senior Planning Officer
 The General Affairs Division handles, in addition to overall coordination within the General Secretariat, procedures necessary for the establishment, revision and abolition of laws and regulations under the jurisdiction of the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC), information disclosure, policy evaluation, development and management of information systems, budget, accounting, procurement and management of supplies.
 The General Affairs Division also collects information on the status of deliberations in the Diet, and share such information to coordinate with other bureaus and department to respond appropriately.
 The General Affairs Division prepares pamphlets and DVDs for public relations on Anti-Monopoly Act and competition policies, holds classes on Anti-Monopoly Act to promote consumer education, and conducts public relations activities such as announcements and press releases.
 In addition, the General Affairs Division handles administrative affairs related to hearing procedures, which are pre-disposition procedures for issuing Cease and Desist orders, and administrative affairs related to filing complaints on voluntary hearing of statements.
Personnel Division, Senior Planning Officer
 Personnel Division is responsible for personnel, salary, training, and benefits for the staff of the General Secretariat, as well as requests for expansion of the JFTC's organization and personnel.
International Affairs Division・Senior Planning Officer

 With the globalization of economic activities, common issues have arisen in each country regarding the antitrust laws (competition laws) and competition policies, which are the basic rules of economic activities in a free market economy, and cooperation among antitrust authorities (competition authorities) of each country has been becoming important.
 The JFTC regularly exchanges views with the antitrust authorities (competition authorities) of the United States, Germany, France, the EU, South Korea and other countries, and actively participates in discussions on competition policies at international organizations such as the OECD. The International Affairs Division is responsible for work related to international affairs.
 It also provides technical cooperation for Asian countries and countries with economies in transition to introduce and promote competition policies.
Economic Affairs Bureau
General Affairs Division

 The General Affairs Division coordinates the overall affairs within the Economic Affairs Bureau and coordinates with ministries and agencies to ensure that proposed laws and measures taken by ministries do not restrict or impede fair and free competition.
 It also provides training sessions for officials of ordering agencies and studies the bidding and contracting systems, in order to prevent bid rigging at ordering agencies.
Planning Office
 The Planning Office plans and proposes basic matters related to competition policy from a medium- to long-term perspective. Specifically, the Office reviews the Antimonopoly Act to ensure that it conforms to today's economic reality.
Office of Policy Planning and Research for Digital Markets

 The Office of Policy Planning and Research for Digital Market examines and plans policies to understand the actual status of transactions in the digital market, collect knowledge, analyze the market based on researches, organize viewpoints from the Antimonopoly Act, and review guidelines.  
Coordination Division・Senior Planning Officer  
 The Coordination Division coordinates with ministries and agencies to ensure that laws drafted by ministries and agencies and measures implemented by ministries and agencies do not restrict or hinder fair and free competition, mainly in specific businesses and industries with strong government regulations.  
Mergers and Acquisitions Division・Senior Officer for Mergers and Acquisitions
 If one company merges with another, competition in the market may become inactive.
 For this reason, the Mergers and Acquisitions Division accepts notifications of mergers and business combinations such as stock ownership above certain size, examines individual merger plans to see if they pose a problem under the Antimonopoly Act, and have merging parties take measures such as changing plans if competition is restricted.
Trade Practices Department
Trade Practices Division

 The Trade Practices Division is in charge of overall coordination of businesses within the Trade Practices Department. In order to ensure that unfair trade practices do not impede fair competition, the Division formulates and publishes guidelines that specifically clarify what actions would violate the Antimonopoly Act, from the perspective of preventing violations of the Antimonopoly Act.
Trade Practices Research Office
 The Trade Practices Research Office studies the actual conditions of trade in various industries, including distribution conditions, price formation mechanisms, and trade practices, and identifies as well as provides guidance on problems in competition policy.
Consultation and Guidance Office

 The Consultation and Guidance Office is in charge of consulting on antitrust issues related to business activities that companies and industry groups intend to engage in.
Consultations received from various industries are reviewed individually to enable companies to conduct business activities without violating the Antimonopoly Act.
Inter- Enterprise Trade Division

 The Inter- Enterprise Trade Division prepares guidelines and conducts fact-finding surveys about unfair trade practices to ensure that businesses in superior bargaining positions, such as large corporations, do not use their positions to unfairly disadvantage small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with whom they trade, thereby hindering fair competition.
 In addition, the Subcontract Act is established as a supplementary law to the Antimonopoly Act, to prevent parent businesses from subcontracting manufacturing, repair, production of information products, or service consignment to subcontractors, with extremely low prices or pay reduced prices. The Inter- Enterprise Trade Division conducts activities to prevent violations of the Subcontract Act by disseminating and educating the public about the Subcontract Act, such as responding to consultations from business operators and holding seminars throughout the country during the month of promoting proper subcontracting (November every year).
Subcontracts Inspection Office・Senior Planning Officer・Senior Subcontracts Inspector
 The Subcontract Transaction Investigation Office investigates violations of the Subcontract Law, such as reduction of the subcontract fees and delay in payment, and takes measures to stop violations of the Subcontract Act by making recommendations to violators, and to have them return the reduced price.
 Since it is difficult for a subcontractor to file a complaint with the JFTC about a violation of the Subcontract Act by a parent company, we actively seek to detect such violations by sending mandatory information request to parent companies.
Investigation Bureau Management and Planning Division
 The Management Planning Division is responsible for the comprehensive coordination of administrative functions within the Investigation Bureau.
Planning Office

 The Planning Office is responsible for planning and drafting basic matters for case review.
Information Analysis Office
 Anyone who discovers a suspected violation of the Antimonopoly Act can complain the JFTC to investigate the matter. Information Analysis Office accepts such information (It is called "complaints".).
 Information Analysis Office conducts preliminary investigations to detect violations of the Antimonopoly Act by itself, in addition to analyzing coming complaints.
Fair Competition Inspection Office
 The Fair Competition Inspection Office mainly accepts reports and conducts preliminary investigations into unjust low price sales and discriminatory pricing in the retail industry.
Senior Officer for Leniency Program
 In the case of cartel/bid-rigging in which a company is involved, if the company independently reports the violation to the JFTC and submits supporting materials, the penalty is exempted or reduced. The Senior Officer for Leniency Program receives reports and materials from companies.
Investigation Divisions, Senior Investigators

 Directors and the Senior Investigators of Investigation Divisions will be a chief of staff and lead cases that allegedly violates the Antimonopoly Act along with case staff. When examining cases, the Directors and Senior Investigators will conduct an on-site inspection of a company suspected of violating the Antimonopoly Act as well as interrogate the persons concerned and hear their statements to collect evidences.
 Once a violation of the Antimonopoly Act has been proven, the JFTC will issue a Cease and Desist order to eliminate the violation of the Antimonopoly Act. In addition, if the violating company engages in a price cartel, etc., a surcharge will be ordered to be paid.
Litigation Officer
 When a company that has been issued a Cease and Desist order or a surcharge payment order does not comply with the order and contests the case, a lawsuit for revocation is filed. The Litigation Officer, together with the chief of investigation division in charge of the case, prove violations of the Antimonopoly Act in revocation lawsuits, just as prosecutors do for court cases.
Criminal Investigation Department
 The Special Directors will be the chief and lead the staff in charge to investigate the cases that are subject to criminal investigation (criminal cases). If it is necessary for the investigation of criminal cases, the judge will issue a permit to inspect and search in the related businesses and seize the necessary property. If the investigation results in a conviction that criminal charges are appropriate, the JFTC will file a complaint for the prosecutor general.
