Search 2022
*Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese.
- Report from SEVEN-ELEVEN JAPAN ceasing Product Guide Production Fee in PB manufacturing contract
2022/12/22 - The JFTC Issued a Cease and Desist Order and Surcharge Payment Orders to the Manufactures of Steel Butt-Welding Pipe Fittings
2022/12/15 - The JFTC holds the Group Training Course for Developing Countries on the Antimonopoly Act and Competition Policy
2022/11/25 - EU-Japan Competition week
2022/11/15 - The
JFTC holds the Training Course for the Vietnam Competition and Consumer
Authority on the Antimonopoly Act and Competition Policy
2022/11/8 - The
Japan Fair Trade Commission has decided to dispatch its official as a
long-term expert to the Malaysia Competition Commission
2022/11/1 - G7
Joint Competition Enforcers and Policy Makers Summit and publishing
Compendium of approaches to improving competition in digital markets
2022/10/18 - The
JFTC issued a cease and desist order and a surcharge payment order
against a participant in bidding for office work in hospitals ordered by
hospitals located in Aichi and Gifu Prefecture
2022/10/17 - The Study Group on Guidelines for Business Initiatives toward Green Society
2022/10/12 - The
JFTC issued cease and desist orders and surcharge payment orders
against participants in bidding for personal computers and managed local
area network servers for schools ordered by Hiroshima Prefecture and
City of Hiroshima
2022/10/6 - The
17th East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting on Competition Policy and
the 14th East Asia Conference on Competition Law and Policy
2022/09/27 - Approval of the Commitment Plan submitted by SCINEX CORPORATION and SMARTVALUE Co., Ltd.
2022/06/30 - Report Regarding Cloud Services
2022/06/28 - The
status of notifications regarding business combinations and the results
of reviews of major business combinations in fiscal year 2021
2022/06/22 - The
JFTC Seeks Information and Comments from Third Parties Concerning the
Proposed Acquisition of Activision Blizzard, Inc. by Microsoft
2022/06/16 - The JFTC Seeks Information and Comments from Third Parties Concerning the Proposed Acquisition of Mandiant, Inc. by Google LLC
2022/06/16 - Approval of the Commitment Plan submitted by Expedia Lodging Partner Services Sàrl
2022/06/02 - Enforcement of the Antimonopoly Act in FY2021 (Summary)
2022/06/01 - Approval of the Commitment Plan submitted by ICHIRAN Inc.
2022/05/19 - The
JFTC issued cease and desist orders and surcharge payment orders
against participants in biddings for pharmaceutical procurement ordered
by Japan Community Health Care Organization
2022/03/30 - Approval of the Commitment Plans submitted by Amer Sports Japan, Inc. and Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
2022/03/25 - Approval of the Commitment Plan submitted by B.V.
2022/03/16 - The
JFTC issued cease and desist orders and surcharge payment orders
against participants in bidding for specific data printing services
ordered by the Japan Pension Service
2022/03/03 - The
JFTC Issued Cease and Desist Orders and Surcharge Payment Orders
against Participants in Biddings for Specific Electronic Security
Services Ordered by the Public offices, etc. in Gunma Prefecture
2022/02/25 - The JFTC holds the 27th Group Training Course for Developing Countries on the Antimonopoly Act and Competition Policy
2022/02/08 - Inquiry on Initial Public Offering (IPO) Pricing Process, etc.