Search 2023
*Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese.
- Summary of the FY2024 Draft Budget, Organization and the Number of Officials
2023/12/22 - Closing the Review of the Proposed Acquisition of Figma, Inc. by Adobe Inc.
2023/12/21 - Guide for the Design and Implementation of an Effective Antimonopoly Act Compliance Program: Focusing on Responses to Cartels and Bid-rigging
2023/12/21 - JFTC Issued a Caution to Logic Inc.
2023/12/20 - Results of the G7 Joint Competition Enforcers and Policymakers Summit
2023/11/8 - The Study Group on Innovation and Competition Policy to Be Reopened
2023/10/26 - The
JFTC Opens an Investigation and Seeks Information and Comments from
Third Parties Concerning the Suspected Violation of the Antimonopoly Act
by Google LLC, etc.
2023/10/23 - Market Study Report on the Recycling of Used Plastic Bottles
2023/10/16 - The JFTC holds the Group Training Course for Developing Countries on the Antimonopoly Act and Competition Policy
2023/10/11 - Approval of the Commitment Plan submitted by TOHO Cinemas Ltd.
2023/10/3 - The
JFTC issued cease and desist orders and surcharge payment orders
against participants in biddings for geological investigation procured
by Kochi Prefecture
2023/09/28 - Market Study Report on News Content Distribution
2023/09/21 - Report
from OK Corporation ceasing alleged requesting its suppliers to cover
the price reduction against its competitors, in response to JFTC's
ongoing enforcement efforts
2023/08/10 - The
18th East Asia Top Level Officials' Meeting on Competition Policy and
the 15th East Asia Conference on Competition Law and Policy
2023/07/24 - Market Study Report on the Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Service on Expressways
2023/07/13 - The JFTC Hosts G7 Joint Competition Enforcers and Policy Makers Summit
2023/07/12 - Interim Report of the Study Group on Innovation and Competition Policy
2023/06/30 - The
status of notifications regarding business combinations and the results
of reviews of major business combinations in fiscal year 2022
2023/06/28 - Approval of a commitment plan submitted by the Fukuoka Ariake Sea Fisheries Cooperative Association
2023/06/27 - Annual Report of the Japan Fair Trade Commission(April 2022-March 2023)
2023/06/16 - Enforcement of the Antimonopoly Act in FY2022 (Summary)
2023/06/01 - The
JFTC Issued a Warning and Cautions to Petroleum Products Retailers that
Operate Gas Stations in Tsuchiura City, Ibaraki Prefecture.
2023/05/17 - The JFTC Issued a Caution to Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
2023/04/13 - The JFTC Seeks Information and Comments from Third Parties Concerning the Proposed Acquisition of Figma, Inc. by Adobe Inc.
2023/04/10 - Approval of the Commitment Plan submitted by Daikoku Co., Ltd.
2023/04/06 - Compilation
of the ‘Guidelines Concerning the Activities of Enterprises, etc.
Toward the Realization of a Green Society Under the Antimonopoly Act’
2023/03/31 - The JFTC Issued Cease and Desist Orders and Surcharge Payment Orders against the Former General Electricity Utilities, etc.
2023/03/30 - The JFTC Reviewed the Proposed Acquisition of Activision Blizzard, Inc. by Microsoft Corporation
2023/03/28 - The
JFTC issued cease and desist orders and surcharge payment orders
against participants in biddings for pharmaceutical procurement for
hospitals in Kyushu area ordered by National Hospital Organization
2023/03/24 - The Study Group on Innovation and Competition Policy
2023/03/09 - Report on the Follow-up Survey on Fintech-based Services
2023/03/01 - The
JFTC’s criminal accusation on bid-rigging concerning the outsourcing
contracts of planning test events, etc. regarding the Olympic and
Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 ordered by the Tokyo Organizing Committee of
the Olympic and Paralympic Games
2023/02/28 - JFTC hosts ICN Unilateral Conduct Workshop in Tokyo
2023/02/22 - Market Study Report on Mobile OS and Mobile App Distribution
2023/02/09 - Request
for Public Comments on the Draft of ‘Guidelines Concerning the
Activities of Enterprises, etc. Toward the Realization of a Green
Society under the Antimonopoly Act’
2023/01/18 - The
JFTC holds the Training Course for the Authority for Fair Competition
and Consumer Protection of Mongolia on the Antimonopoly Act and
Competition Policy