February, 19, 2016
Japan Fair Trade Commission
The Japan Fair Trade Commission (hereinafter the “JFTC”) will hold the “Study Group on Competition Policy for Distribution Systems and Business Practices”, which consists of experts from various fields including academic experts and businesses, in order to give necessary considerations for the review of the “Guidelines Concerning Distribution Systems and Business Practices Under the Antimonopoly Act” (hereinafter the “Distribution Guideline”).
1. The purpose of the Study Group
Over two decades have passed since the Distribution Guidelines were developed in 1991. Given the changes in distributions in Japan, the JFTC will hold the “Study Group on Distribution Systems and Business Practices and the competition policy” (hereinafter the “Study Group”), which consists of experts from various fields including academic experts and businesses, in order to give necessary considerations for the review of the Distribution Guidelines in accordance with the current state of distribution.
2. Main agenda
Assessment of the changes in distributions and trade practices including development of e-commerce from the view of competition policy and the direction of the review on the Distribution Guidelines therewith
3. Members
(1) The Study Group consists of the experts listed in the Members list (in Japanese).
(2) The JFTC appoints a moderator among the members.
(3) The Study Group may ask for attendance of persons concerned when necessary.
4. Publication of the minutes
The moderator makes the summary of the discussion (in Japanese) and makes it public promptly after study group is held. The moderator also, after a certain period of time, makes the minutes of the discussion of the Study Group (in Japanese) and makes it public.
5. Schedule of the Study Group
The Study Group will be held once or twice a month. (The first round will be held on
February 24, 2016.)
6. Administrative affairs
Administrative affairs of the Study Group are handled by Trade Practice Division, Trade Practices Department, Economic Bureau, Secretariat, Japan Fair Trade Commission.
*Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese for more details.