Feb 15, 2018
Japan Fair Trade Commission
Competition Policy Research Center
1. Report of Study Group on Human Resource and Competition Policy
Japan Fair Trade Commission has established “Study Group on Human Resource and Competition Policy” (Chair: Fumio Sensui, Professor at Kobe University) in Competition Policy Research Center (Director: Yosuke Okada, Professor at Hitotsubashi University) to facilitate pleasant environment for individual workers and the Study Group has held six meetings since August in 2017 to organize the views on applications of the Antimonopoly Act to competition for human resources.
CPRC has compiled a report of Study Group based on the discussions thus far and publish it herein.
2. Request for Opinions
As a reference for our future policy making and implementation, the JFTC gathers opinions on the Study Group’s report.
(1) Object of request
a. Opinions on the contents of the Study Group’s report
b. Opinions on actual transactions or business practices related to the issues discussed in the Study Group’s report (See Chapter 1 2(1))
(2) How to obtain related materials:
Related materials (only Japanese version is available) are available at:
a. The official web portal of government of Japan (e-Gov);
b. The website of the JFTC (http://www.jftc.go.jp/cprc/conference/index.html)
(3) How to submit comments
Please submit your comments in Japanese by the following methods, with your name, address and contact information (telephone number, facsimile number or e-mail address). If you submit as a corporation or an association, please identify the location of main office, the name of a corporation or an association and the name of a person who submits a comment. Submitting a comment by phone cannot be accepted.
The subject of the e-mail should be “Comments on report of Study Group on Human Resource and Competition Policy.”
E-mail: jinzai_at sign_jftc.go.jp
(Please replace “_at sign_” with “@”, when you send an e-mail.)
Note: Please submit your comments in text format. Please understand that we cannot accept comments by attached file or URL.
(4) Due date
March 16th, 2018
(5) Notes regarding the submission of comments
Submitted comments may be published (except for your name, address, the name of a corporation or an association and contact information including telephone number, facsimile number or e-mail address). Also, the JFTC will not reply respectively to submitted comments.
The JFTC asks for your identification and contact information for the communication purpose only where any clarifications may be needed on your comments. The information provided will not be used for any other purposes.
*Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese for more details.