July 11, 2019
Japan Fair Trade Commission
The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) today issued cease and desist orders and surcharge payment orders against the enterprises participating in bidding for drainage facility operations on several water purification plants ordered by Tokyo Metropolitan Government, finding that they substantially restrained competition in the fields of the drainage facility operations by, in concert with one another, designating successful bidders and managing to have the designated successful bidders win the biddings. The total amount of the surcharge payment is 74.18 million yen.
Meanwhile, in relation to the above violations, the JFTC also found that employees of the Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government were involved in the bid rigging. Hence, the JFTC today demanded that the Governor of Tokyo implement improvement measures to ensure that said involvement in bid rigging etc. was eliminated in accordance with the Act on Elimination and Prevention of Involvement in Bid Rigging, etc. and Punishments for Acts by Employees that Harm Fairness of Bidding, etc.
Additionally, JFTC today urged that the Bureau of Waterworks, Tokyo Metropolitan Government implement effective improvement measures including informing the purpose and contents of the Act and the Antimonopoly Act to the employees.
*Every announcement is tentative translation
Please refer to the original text written in Japanese for more details.