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Requests for Information and Comments Concerning Generative AI and Competition

Requests for Information and Comments Concerning Generative AI and Competition

October 2, 2024
Japan Fair Trade Commission

    In recent years, generative AI technology has rapidly advanced, leading to significant market growth. While this technology offers numerous benefits to the economy and society, it also raises potential competition concerns in certain business activities. To address these issues, the Japan Fair Trade Commission (hereinafter referred to as the ‘JFTC’) has initiated research to understand the dynamics of the fast-evolving generative AI market, both domestically and internationally in order for generative AI to be properly integrated into the economy and society. Today, the JFTC is releasing a discussion paper titled “Generative AI and Competition” and invites stakeholders to provide information and comments as outlined below.

1. Subject of the request for information and comments

2. Submission of information and comments

    Fill in your affiliation (the company or association to which you belong) or occupation, address, name (if you submit your information and comments on behalf of your organization, we request you identify the name of the organization’s representative, the location of the main office, the name of the corporation or association, and the name of the liaison person submitting the information or comments) and contact information (telephone number and/or e-mail address) on the comment sheet*1 in Japanese or any other language(with a Japanese translation)*2 for its submission*3.
*1 You may also submit your application by e-mail or postal mail without using the comment sheet. Please write the same information as described above (your affiliation or occupation, address, name (note details above if you’re representing your organization), contact information (telephone number and/or e-mail address) and question numbers corresponding to the information and comments you write. Note that submitting information and comments via telephone calls is not accepted.
*2 Submissions in any languages is acceptable as long as a Japanese translation is attached.
*3 If there are any materials (all formats are accepted.) that supplement your information and comments, please attach them.

[Address for submissions]

(Replace "_○_" with "@", when sending the-mail.)

<Postal mail>
Market Study Section,
Office of Policy Planning and Research for Digital Markets,
General Affairs Division, Economic Affairs Bureau,
Japan Fair Trade Commission
1-1-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8987
(Please note that we cannot return your mailed items once we receive them.)

[Due date]

November 22, 2024, no later than 6 p.m. (GMT+9)

3. Privacy policy

    Information and comments provided will be used as a reference for future discussions on generative AI within the JFTC.
    The JFTC requests your identification and contact information (above) for communication purposes in the case that any clarifications are needed regarding the information and comments you provide.
    The JFTC may make public certain information regarding respondents (name, occupation or industry you represent) and the comments you provide. Names of individuals who submit comments not representing any organization will not be made public. In the case of corporations and associations wishing to remain anonymous, please indicate as such. If you do not wish for the contents of your information and comments to be made public, please specify which part(s) and the reason(s) why.
    The JFTC will not offer individual responses to information and comments. Any information and comments submitted after the submission period or unrelated to the purpose of this request for information and comments may not be considered or taken into account.

*This announcement is a tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese for more details.

ファイルダウンロード 新規ウインドウで開きます。Comment Sheet
