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JFTC renders recommendation to building-cleaning companies for rigging bids by Yamaguchi City and Shimonoseki City.

JFTC renders recommendation to building-cleaning companies for rigging bids by Yamaguchi City and Shimonoseki City.

April 16/2003
Japan Fair Trade Commission

The JFTC has today issued recommendation to 29 participants in bids for building-cleaning by public offices in Yamaguchi City and Shimonoseki City for violating Section 3 (prohibition of unreasonalble restraint of trade) of the Antimonoply Act.

1. Acts of violation

The 22 companies for Yamaguchi-city and 14 for Shimonoseki-city has substantially restricted the competition in the fields of building-cleaning by deciding the winner in the bids for building-cleaning by the public offices in the two cities.

 2. Measures to be taken:

The said companies must confirm cease of the conducts.
The said companies must not do similar conducts again.

 3. Due date for acceptance of recommendation: 1 May 2003

Recommendation decision if accepted, or otherwise, proceed to initiate hearings

*Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese.
