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JFTC and Austrarian Competition Consumer Commission commence discussions on closer cooperation in antitrust issues.

JFTC and Austrarian Competition Consumer Commission commence discussions on closer cooperation in antitrust issues.

May 14/2003
Japan Fair Trade Commission

1 The JFTC and the Australian Competiton and Consumer Comission(ACCC) commence the possibility of a formal cooperation agreement on competiton issues between Japan and Australia

2 Latest discussion between JFTC Chairman, Mr. Kazuhiko Takeshima, and ACCC Chairman, Prof. Alan Fels,were very positive and focussed on the benefits of enhanced cooperation and coordination on the application of competiton laws in global context. It reached the agreement that officials of the respective agencies will continue diarogue to examine the scope of cooperation agreement.

3 Discussions between officials of the JFTC and the ACCC will continue to explore the scope of cooperation covered by this agreement.

4 The propose on the cooperative agreement in antitrust policy is a part of current discussions between the Government of Australia and the Government of Japan in exploring options for deeper economic linkages.

*Every announcement is tentative translation. Please refer to the original text written in Japanese.
